FlyLab JS
New! A javascript version of the popular FlyLab program in Biology Labs Online. It will run in any browser on any device. This program should be used instead of the Flash-based Drosophila and the java-based Flylab.

The Virtual Courseware Project produces interactive, online simulations for the life science laboratory or for earth science field studies. The activities are designed to enhance an existing curriculum and include online assessments. They can be used by students ranging from middle school, high school, or college classrooms.

Click on a project on the right to access the entry point for this fun, exciting, and engaging suite of activities. Pop-up blockers must be disabled to view the activities.

Some activities contain Macromedia Flash movies or Java applets (see System Requirements in each project). Click here to see testimonials and recognition for the Virtual Courseware Project.


Virtual Courseware for
Inquiry-based Science Education
Exploratory activities in the earth and life sciences that are aligned to state and National Science Education Standards, especially for high school classrooms.

Virtual Courseware for
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Interactive simulations and tutorials on global warming and seismology. Ahora tenemos una versión española del Terremoto.

Geology Labs Online
Interactive tutorials on isochron and radiocarbon dating, river discharge and flooding, and earthquake epicenter and magnitude determination.

Biology Labs Online
A subscription website of college and advanced high school level biology simulations. Take a tour of any of the 12 activities.

The Virtual Courseware Project is supported by grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation and the California State University.
Copyright © 2005-2019 Virtual Courseware Project. All Rights Reserved.