A numerical (or "absolute") age is a specific number of years, like
150 million years ago. A relative age simply states whether one rock
formation is older or younger than another formation. The Geologic
Time Scale was originally laid out using relative dating principles.
Numerical dating, the focus of this exercise, takes advantage
of the "clocks in rocks" - radioactive isotopes ("parents") that spontaneously
decay to form new isotopes ("daughters") while releasing energy. For
example, decay of the parent isotope Rb-87 (Rubidium) produces a stable
daughter isotope, Sr-87 (Strontium), while releasing a beta particle
(an electron from the nucleus). ("87" is the atomic mass
number = protons + neutrons.)
Numerical ages have been added to the Geologic Time Scale since
the advent of radioactive age-dating techniques. |